I didn’t see it by myself but now I can’t unsee it
I didn’t see it by myself but now I can’t unsee it
It’s a joke about how the safety system on the car works. From another comment in this thread:
Based on what it didn’t cut through, his finger should have been safe but apparently Tesla designed the thing to keep increasing the pressure if it detects resistance each time until it can close, which is absolutely baffling. I don’t know of any other safety feature that turns down the safety the more it activates. The fact that it reacts to the exact same conditions differently each time should, in itself, be deeply concerning for any safety feature.
What does the Fedipact mean?
I use Qwant and Startpage on my phone and PC, I’m happy with both
All I need as a student. I have a few open source projects that I aim to support monthly, as soon as I get my first paycheck after I’m finished with my degree, might count those as subscriptions then.
I can’t say I disagree, I’ve long abandoned it on my PC.
But Brave has superb AdBlocking capabilities compared to every other browser for iPhone, so I’m still using it on my phone.
1: Register a new Proton account
2: Set up email forwarding from Gmail to Proton
3: Add a filter that labels all Mail incoming to Gmail with a Gmail label.
4: Whenever you feel like it, go to some of your Gmail labeled mail and change the registered mail to Proton etc.
I’d still recommend buying your own domain though, it took me less than 15 mins switching completely from Skiff to Proton, and I didn’t have to reregister anything. Only when you have a costum domain you’re truly serviceprovider-independent.
I tried to make a bridge to my telegram and Whatsapp account, but I didn’t get it to work. Do you have any guide to follow?
Well, looks like it’ll be Proton for me too then, thank you.
Any good ideas for alternatives to Skiff? I only need mail, I have my own domain and cannot self-host for at least the next one-two years.
And crazy that I learn about this through this post
I’d recommend 2FAS Auth