I feel you. They aren’t necessarily wrong to concentrate on the other stuff, but the world did feel a bit happier when things had a bit of life to them, at least to me.
I feel you. They aren’t necessarily wrong to concentrate on the other stuff, but the world did feel a bit happier when things had a bit of life to them, at least to me.
I know it’s not a perfect example but I’m sick of modern design trends. Muted colours and uniform shapes, nothing ever interesting or emotion inducing. I’m probably pretty biased but still I’d love to see something that had some life to it.
Great idea dipshit, who’s gonna foot the power bill, you?
For sure. I can at least give them the benefit of the doubt when they say that shadow organisations are trying to control them. Like that can happen, it does happen, it’s kind of happening. Motivations can range from societal change to world ending prophecy. However when they say shit is explicitly for making money, that’s a very clear cut goal you can easily prove or disprove.
Okay, but crackpot theory, and this one’s a bit out there…
What if they just didn’t want everyone to get sick and die? And vaccines are proven to be effective at this? Why is that less believable that the Jewish space laser.
I did something similar to what this article describes a bit back. For me it was turning off my phone, the effect was staggering. Anxiety etc dropped immediately.
For me in particular, it was being constantly available to anyone in my life, but also the doom scrolling, and knowing there’s a vast ocean of infinite content at my fingertips. Sure, I could curate my experience, and block people, but overall the phone is still functioning largely the same as it ever does. I can always turn those features back on. By changing how the device works externally, you’re disconnecting those people from the decade and a half of reinforcement and whatever they have associated with their phones.
To get similar results I was able to just turn off my phone, but that might vary for some. Anyway, it seems reasonable for the experiment at least.
See I don’t follow that one, because how are they actually making money in this theory?
In the real world the ai bullshit is just another grift that’s a giant money pit. While I recognise people that follow these kinds of theories probably don’t have critical thinking skills, I wish they would following thinking to it’s conclusion. It’s a stupid hope I know.
Anti sematic behaviour is unfortunately part of the internet and general historical data, which means it could very well be an undercurrent in training data. AIs then could exhibit subconscious biases, no matter how many times the creators tell them not to be racist.
Idk dude, we already have the sun and wind but they hate that stuff too, despite it being very close to free. Hell they’ll probably bitch about fusion causing a surplus of power outside peak loads.
If it doesn’t perpetuate the broken ways we currently do things it doesn’t give their buddies money, so it’s woke or something else bullshit.
You alive bro?
Fucking DLLs
Never heard of this person, like them already.
Seconding this. Anecdotally from my last job in support, every drive failure we had was a Seagate. WDs and samsungs never seemed to have an issue.
I’m sure this is real, but I see a headline like that and I think of schoolyard talk. Like, nuh uh, my armour has 100 trillion bonds, you can’t shoot me.
That’s nuts, good luck with the sluething
How much data is a lot? Mine lost wifi privileges for putting ads in my stuff, but I’m still curious.
Eh crunchyroll killed animelab which was a better service all round, I guess what goes around comes around.
I didn’t even know it was a thing, thanks, I’ll check it out!
I can confirm Balatro stole straight up a week of my time at once, high recommend.