A wire which is supposed to carry 9.5A max carrying >20A is bad.
With the way the Founder Edition uses the connector – all the 12V pins are just connected together on the card – isn’t it better to do the same on the cable, in other words connect all 12V wires together at the connector on both ends? Would that eliminate imbalance between the cables?
For IOS devices, by default has “fixed” randomized MAC per network, i.e. each Wireless network you join sees a different MAC, but they’ll stay the same even if you leave and re-join (or even delete and re-add). So, it should not hamper MAC filtering since your AP will see the same MAC from the same device, unless you’re running more elaborate setups like multiple APs (I don’t know how IOS treats that).
This can be changed on a per-network basis in any case, so it is possible to turn it off on the device just for your home network.