This is the quality content I want on my Lemmy.
Actually funny Memes are rare and precious
STL? I need to print this badly.
yep, here you go 😄
Thank you!
does your printer have infinite resolution?
No, but you just need recursive filament.
It’ll be really hard on a fdm printer, but I think it’d look really cool on a resin printer
Challenge accepted.
If the recursive centaur recurses infinitely then would it be half horse and infinite centaur.
Only half of it is infinite. The first half is horse, the rest is infinite centaur. Maybe that’s what you meant.
[Cyriak wants to know your location]…
Whoaa… thanks for reminding me of cyriak, always loved his stuff!
Cows n cows n cows n cows
1/2 horse + 1/4 horse + 1/8 horse and so on
sum(n = 1, infinity) (1/(2^n) horse)
Which, to its limit, just becomes 1 horse.
def centaur(): centaur()
def centaur(): return horse / 2 + centaur()
A bit of a brain fart by me 😂