“Girls are basic and boring”, “Boys are interesting and quirky”
Relax, not everything has to be political.
not a political topic tho
calling something sexist is a political statement
How is sexism inherently tied to politics? There is nothing being advocated for by calling your meme sexist.
If I say you’re stupid, is that a political statement?
I don’t see how your analogy is relevant here. When you search the word “sexism” on most search engines you are taken to the wikipedia article for sexism which talks extensively about women’s rights movements as well as issues that feminists are concerned with in the today. It can therefore be said that the word has political connotations. By calling something sexist, you accuse it of discrimination using a word with political connotations. This is a conjecture that is political in nature and can therefore be considered a political statement. The word stupid does not have these connotations and thus would not be considered a political statement.
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