No you’re getting billed for this too
What really makes me angry is that media is full of some millionaires drowning in a rattle can steered with a 30$ Logitech controller while there are 100s of people drowning in the Mediterranean Sea every week because they are illegally pushed back by authorities and media is silent about it…
They are illegaly coming too. Also media is silent about this? It is the only thing they talk about.
They are forced out of their countries. I get your opinion if it is about young people just looking for work. This is also happening. But there are mothers and babies and kids among those people. They don’t go onto a rubber boat for fun. I bet you wouldn’t care about laws if the live of your family is in danger. And even if it is illegal, can you explain how it is ok to push them back into the water and let them drown? Mothers and their kids?
They are forced out of their countries.
What prevents them from seeking safety in the first safe country? Egypt etc, there are no civil wars there
Usually, because they know a second language, but the first safe country they pass through doesn’t use that language, or because they’ve got a relative living legally in a different country that they think can help them.
The master of a ship at sea as the moral and legal obligation to assist a ship in distress, if they can. There’s no skirting that obligation by assessing the legality of the ship’s planned path.
But maybe we should also stop rescuing people in house fires, as they might be burglars?
What do you mean, the media is silent about this? There’s tons of articles about that exact thing.
There has been a lot of coverage, yes, but media didn’t make as much noise… the stories about migrants drowning was soon banned to page 7-13 on local newspapers… while this millionaire drama is all over the media for days now…
Remeber that time a couple wanted to sail around the world, bought a boat but didn’t know how to sail rally, took their newborn on it, then had to get rescued at sea? People were pissed about the cost of that rescue, calling the couple dumb and entitled and whatnot. I think they had to pay some of the rescue cost back. Personally I don’t know that I’m wild about charging people for rescues, it’s hard to draw a line between legitimate adventure travel, say hiking in a national park, and a reckless stunt.
What is this about
The submersible that imploded near the Titanic wreck.
I would have expected that the owner of the submarine pieces would be footing the bill for this. After all, he is at the head of this fuck-up.
is it bad that I read “floating the bill for this” ?